Happy Birthday to the littlest biggest Spidey fan I know!
Bits and pieces put together to represent a semblance of the whole
Spiderman 2 has replaced the Empire Strikes back as my number one sequel ever. I saw the midnite show and it was well worth the pain I will experience this morning when I try to get up...more later
I was coming home tonight and I decided to take the long way around the lakes. It's quiet and slow and a chance to feel like you are away from the city. So It's like 9:30 or so. It's getting dark and I cross over 394 and there are no streetlights turned on lining the parkway. Overhead trees and the lack of moonlight make it pretty dark back there.
26 hours until the answer is revealed. Some people are such geeks.
Let's play Hangman. I have 4 coveted Gmail accounts to give out to the folks who can solve my hangman puzzle first.
I was on my way to work the other morning and some old school rap came on. The song actually pumped me up before I had to go in to the office.
First things first. I forgot the most important part about being a super villain. The Minion!
My stupid links worked at one point and now they don't. I am too tired tonight too fix it.
"We read that we ought to forgive our enemies; but we do not read that we ought to forgive our friends."
I saw Prince for the Wednesday night show. The man is a musical genius. Whether you like him or not(Shut up already..Damn!) you have to admit he is an accomplished musician. He played for about two and half hours. His new back up band is very tight. He has an amazing drummer, an exciting horn section, a nerdy looking keyboardist(most of the good ones are) a hypnotizing slap bass player(got to like the funk)If you don't know what slap bass is think 70's porno flick, I will demonstrate listen closely.
This one may be a big one.
I went out Salsa dancing and let me just say, it was hot hot hot! The music, the women, the club. First Avenue was in it's glory with the thumping rhythms and the screens full of nonsense. If you have ever been to First Ave you know what I am talking about. It's late( grammar and structure disclaimer) and I should be in bed instead of posting but I had to say something about the dancing. I think I may get some lessons. I watched a couple that put everyone to shame. He was moving her around like she was just an extension of his body. It was fluid and I couldn't help but stare. They danced together like peanut butter and jelly...they were just meant to be.
Anybody who has met my family knows we are crazy. Look at the picture above and see the sweet motherly figure, the loving father and adoring son. You might think to yourself, "What a fine looking family". This family holds a secret..... Fast forward from that picture to Monday night.
I mentioned cake in my tagline under the title of this blog. Now it's time for cake!
Thanks to those of you who sent me information on the pilot. The pilot's name was Don Hinz and he was on the board of the Red Tail Project. A project dedicated to preserving the history of African Americans who served during WWII.