
Hodgepodge or Meatloaf thoughts - ground up and mashed together goodness

70's Love Poem - By Rufus D. Pearson Jr. from the book: A Smile Cracked my Lips

OOOOOOOh Girl, Your afro is round like the Sun,
OOOOOOOh Girl, Your Koohlats are the color of Gold,
OOOOOOOh Girl, Your platform tennis shoes will allow you to reach for the stars,
OOOOOOOh Girl, Your tubetop is like a rainbow colored cornucopia ready to burst forth with fruit,
OOOOOOOh Girl, Do not run. Do not run.

I expect Rufus to pop up from time to time to share his book of love with us.

Turkeys getting Turkey
I was unfortunately at the Edina Cub Foods today getting some last minute things and killing some time while I was waiting for a friend to meet me. First of all stay away from the grocery store before holidays. Most people were nice. I said "most". The rest of the people were giving thanks for people to get the "heck out of their frickin' way!". I thought I was going to be giving thanks for being bigger than the guy in the parking lot doing 90 mph who almost hit Stinky (The Benz I currently drive). I yelled Happy Thanksgiving and waved, but when it came out of my mouth it sounded more like "You gas happy Navigator drivin' mutha scratcher!" The wave was on what networks call a 7 second delay (see Janet Jackson Superbowl appearance)
This was the same guy who was in the store and was obviously much more important than everyone else. He was crying about having to wait while the people ahead of him were being helped. There were about a half a million people in the store and the workers were going at a good pace, not being slow at all.
The holidays should not be stressful. People, please remember your family/friends will still love you even if you forget to get cranberries, so slow down, be kind to those around you and give real thanks.

Sean Connery: I'll take The Rapist for $500, Alex
Alex Trebec: That's therapist Sean, therapist

Sean Connery is probably my most favorite Bond. Those lines above are from an old Saturday Night Live skit. The Spike network is playing bond movies all weekend. I never get sick of seeing these movies.
Goldfinger is one of the cooler Bond movies, it has Oddjob the hat throwing bodyguard, Pussy Galore (dig that kooky name) and a a bad guy with jones for gold. Auric Goldfinger.
Favorite Line from Goldfinger is when bond has been capture by Auric and is strapped to a table with a "laser" cutting the table between his legs.
Bond: Do you expect me to talk?
Goldfinger: No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
How cool is that. none of that telling the whole world take over plan, Goldfinger was like "You can straight up and die Bond, up yours "

Favorite scene. Bond is chased by bad guys and one gets into his car. They drive for a ways and then Bond hits the ejector seat button and the guy flies out with a scream. It looks pretty funny and the scream they gave the guy was even better.

I also learned a new word just a little while ago. The word is Strawbabies. A Strawbaby is a fruit. People sometimes can them, they make Strawbaby flavored soda and my person favorite is the chocolate dipped Strawbaby. My great niece really likes Strawberries and that's what she calls them. "Uncle Ricky, can I have Strawbabies please?", don't forget to use the batted eyelashes when you ask me...it works every time. :)


I Want to Break Free......I Want to Break Free

I am waiting. I am waiting for my chance to break free. You see it all the time. People breaking free, moving around, smiling. When am I going to lose my inhibitions?
I have decided I want to be part of an office moment where people just get up and and begin to dance. I want to race around the office in chairs pushed by project managers. I want my CEO to come down and breakdance in front of the elevator. When I make a good decision at work, I want people to come out of nowhere and dump Gatorade on my head and then we all celebrate with an endzone dance that makes the Ickyshuffle look like a waltz. I WOULD like to be a pepper too. Only I drink Diet Dr.Pepper not the regular stuff.
When is this going to happen? I go to work everyday , I pay my bills and dues. When are we going to break out in spontaneity. Maybe I don't drink enough Coke or drink the right beer. I am still waiting for the twins, I actually bought a Coors light, cracked it open, sang the song "I love football in the fall, refs that make the right call and...and twins!!!", nothing happened. No twins, just a funky beer that I don't drink.
None of my friends dance around with their Ipods, the Target dog is never in the store and thank goodness I haven't woke up with Burger King next to me, sounding like Barry White and offering me a biscuit.
I have watched these commercials with the optimism that one day these things will happen. Can you imagine just before the Thanksgiving holiday break , everyone in the building running into the skyway and throwing their papers all over? Peeling out and driving down Nicollett Mall hanging out of the windows.
I want to dive into the the wading pool at Peavey Plaza with a full suit on and have people join me. All wet and splashing and dancing with glee.
Maybe I can set up an event. I will call it a Planspoment. A Planned spontaneous Moment. I know what the word spontaneous means, but just ride with me here. We could all meet on the Plaza summer 2005. Wearing old suits, business skirts, business casual stuff items you don't mind being wet. We could do it during the summer music series, where there is sure to be lots of people. Bring your lunch, a book, a newspaper and look nonchalant. Just like you would look everyday. Then at a predetermined time we all drop our things and run into the pool and dance around. I can't remember what the name is for the gatherings that used to get organized by the web but, if someone knows please leave me a message.

The title of this entry is from the Queen song of the same name. Coke uses this during some of their before movie commercials. I think the before movie commercials are the root of all evil. I am there of my own free will, but I am trapped and forced find the "hidden" in the open Coke bottles. Listen to new songs by this Coke artist and watch the new Indie "Blair With Project" short by films students. Just give me the frickin'' preview and start the dang movie. Yes, I know there are more important things to rant about, but you can do that in your own blog. :)

Incredibly Good
Go see the Incredibles. It's an excellent movie. Written with so many people in mind that you really can't miss. Adults, kids, geeks, non-geeks, cool geeks like me (once again you can comment on you own blog ;) ). While waiting for the movie to start I overhead a father arguing with his geekspawn about Darth Vader. Hey Geekdad, your son was right. I can only hope some day my little one with have the right answer and make me proud.

"Tell Your Ma, Tell Your Pa, Gonna Send You Back To Arkansas Yeah Yeah Hey Hey!!!"
Ray Robinson a.k.a Ray Charles
Go see this movie. It is very very good. I will be digging out my Ray CD's yet again. I was really surprised by this movie. Jamie Fox does a dead on take of Ray. Through his joy and pain. There are parts that will make you wince, but overall you will see his genius. He proved them wrong everytime they said it wouldn't work. He made awesome music and really enjoy it.

Last entry R - 4804- N or Dreamland
One of my favorite things about being a bit of an Airplane geek is Area 51, where the aliens from ID4 (Independance day) live. That's right, Area 51. Pssst, the aliens don't really live there, they walk amongst us.
The Discovery Channel had a show last night about the area and what does or does not happen there. It was a decent show with some crazy folks, some scientists and some ex-workers. I like these shows and think it would be interesting to see what's there. I remember in the 70's there being a really crappy movie about Area 51. I am going to have to do some research and then hit the Nicollet Village video store for that cassette.
Do I believe in aliens? Not really. Do I believe there could be life elsewhere is the universe. Yes, in some corner a million and two light years from here something is sitting at their computer making an entry about life elsewhere.
Klatu Verata Nikto!!! <----- Look it up on the net.


Fun with E-R

The promised emergency room story. It's not very interesting, it's grosser on a small scale than anything else.
I went to urgent care to get my knee checked out. It swelled up on me a few days ago. It didn't hurt, but this happened once before and I wanted to get it looked at. So I go to urgent care and they say we don't have any Ortho's there, they are all over at the emergency room.
The dreaded HCMC emergency room.
I thought about not going and trying another urgent care the next day being that I had dogs to take care of that evening. The dogs are another story for later. They were complete troopers. 17 hours in the kennel and no poop or peeing. They were very glad to see me though. I felt really bad for them, but I was stuck in the emergency room.
So back to the action.
I decided I wanted to see somebody, being that I am getting more mature (in leap years I am only nine and a quarter) and I am trying to take better care of myself. So I go in and see the desk clerk right away, I am interviewed and vitaled( blood pressure) all in about 25 mins or less, so I am thinking, cool I will be out of here in no time.
Ha ha ha ha aha aha ha ha. Sorry I was laughing at my own naiveteé .
They send me back to the waiting room where I sit for 20 mins and then they call my name to go back to my "room".
These rooms are divided by curtains and nothing else they should just call it a curtained off space or holding pen.
During my 2 ½ hour stay in my "pen" , I got to listen to a Russian woman who spoke very little English try to tell the E-R docs what happened and then finally they called a translator on the HCMC switchboard. I think they have a service they go through to get the translators. She had fallen and bumped her head and needed staples.
I also listened to a guy who was very drunk and very ticked off that they kept bothering him by taking him to X-Ray to examine the leg they thought was broken. They were asking him questions and he would answer, but very angrily until he told them to "F" off and let him sleep. So everybody cleared the room and left him alone.
When it was my turn, here's the gross part. They gave me a "dirty" sheet for my gurney and the gown didn't make me feel much better. The sheet had ringlets of dried blood on it. Almost like someone had set a coffee cup down in the blood and then painted the sheet. I dropped the sheet right away and went and got the nurse. She told me she was sorry and that it was totally embarrassing. I just thought it was nasty. She gave me new stuff which I put on and waited for the doc. The doc came in, twisted, pushed and pulled on my leg and decided it was probably a small tear and that a sports medicine doc should check it out. My leg then began to hurt after I left the emergency room, cool how things turn out. I go when there is no pain and leave with some.
Fun fun fun. Poor dogs had to wait for me to get there and release them. The worst thing about it, was I missed the whole geek out session we had planned for that evening. The best thing was I had my blood pressure checked, which people, excuse me, which more MEN should have checked more often. Hypertension is the "Silent Killer".
Slipped a PSA ( Public Service Announcement) in there on ya.

On much better note, we had our football banquet tonight. The kids were hyped to get the trophy and their awards. I have the traveling trophy here with me now and it gets to stay here until next season. They handed out plaques to the coaches and if you ask nice I will show you mine. They also had cake and it was way tasty.



GET UP, GET OUT, GO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nuff said.