
Fun with E-R

The promised emergency room story. It's not very interesting, it's grosser on a small scale than anything else.
I went to urgent care to get my knee checked out. It swelled up on me a few days ago. It didn't hurt, but this happened once before and I wanted to get it looked at. So I go to urgent care and they say we don't have any Ortho's there, they are all over at the emergency room.
The dreaded HCMC emergency room.
I thought about not going and trying another urgent care the next day being that I had dogs to take care of that evening. The dogs are another story for later. They were complete troopers. 17 hours in the kennel and no poop or peeing. They were very glad to see me though. I felt really bad for them, but I was stuck in the emergency room.
So back to the action.
I decided I wanted to see somebody, being that I am getting more mature (in leap years I am only nine and a quarter) and I am trying to take better care of myself. So I go in and see the desk clerk right away, I am interviewed and vitaled( blood pressure) all in about 25 mins or less, so I am thinking, cool I will be out of here in no time.
Ha ha ha ha aha aha ha ha. Sorry I was laughing at my own naiveteé .
They send me back to the waiting room where I sit for 20 mins and then they call my name to go back to my "room".
These rooms are divided by curtains and nothing else they should just call it a curtained off space or holding pen.
During my 2 ½ hour stay in my "pen" , I got to listen to a Russian woman who spoke very little English try to tell the E-R docs what happened and then finally they called a translator on the HCMC switchboard. I think they have a service they go through to get the translators. She had fallen and bumped her head and needed staples.
I also listened to a guy who was very drunk and very ticked off that they kept bothering him by taking him to X-Ray to examine the leg they thought was broken. They were asking him questions and he would answer, but very angrily until he told them to "F" off and let him sleep. So everybody cleared the room and left him alone.
When it was my turn, here's the gross part. They gave me a "dirty" sheet for my gurney and the gown didn't make me feel much better. The sheet had ringlets of dried blood on it. Almost like someone had set a coffee cup down in the blood and then painted the sheet. I dropped the sheet right away and went and got the nurse. She told me she was sorry and that it was totally embarrassing. I just thought it was nasty. She gave me new stuff which I put on and waited for the doc. The doc came in, twisted, pushed and pulled on my leg and decided it was probably a small tear and that a sports medicine doc should check it out. My leg then began to hurt after I left the emergency room, cool how things turn out. I go when there is no pain and leave with some.
Fun fun fun. Poor dogs had to wait for me to get there and release them. The worst thing about it, was I missed the whole geek out session we had planned for that evening. The best thing was I had my blood pressure checked, which people, excuse me, which more MEN should have checked more often. Hypertension is the "Silent Killer".
Slipped a PSA ( Public Service Announcement) in there on ya.

On much better note, we had our football banquet tonight. The kids were hyped to get the trophy and their awards. I have the traveling trophy here with me now and it gets to stay here until next season. They handed out plaques to the coaches and if you ask nice I will show you mine. They also had cake and it was way tasty.


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