
"Morituri te salutant" = Those who are about to die salute you

One of my most recent adventures was straight out of Gladiator. I was taking a shower and just after I finished washing my hair, I heard this noise in the bathroom that sounded like a deck of cards being shuffled. I looked out and there was a two inch wasp flying around the light and smacking into the ceiling. Well being as manly as I am I decided the best course of action was to battle this thing the same way the early Greek's competed in the Olympics (look for early Greek Olympic uniforms).
I grabbed my towel and instead of wrapping it around myself I see Waspzilla on the wall and try to mash him into it. This thing was big and ticked off. I pulled the towel away and he dropped to the ground looking up at me with a menacing scowl...The type of scowl that makes a man's blood run cold. I knew I was in trouble. I had no armor, no leather, just tough well chiseled flesh ( like all Gladiators).
So back to our story...... The wasp leapt into the sky, right back up to the light and began to fly around. It swooped at me a couple times, by now I had dropped the towel and the wasp knew it was now or never. I looked around for something to defend myself and then I saw it.
The air freshener. I Glade Air Freshened his butt until we both choked on the fumes and he still wouldn't give up. He flew at me one more time and I let him have it full blast in the face. He fell out of the sky and to the ground. Once he hit the ground I let him have it for a full 20 seconds. He flipped onto his back, the crowd cheered and gave me the thumbs down sign.
I grabbed the towel I dropped and quickly dispatched him. I gave him a quick burial at sea and collapsed on the floor, spent from my life and death struggle.
I have a great life.


At 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wondered what all the cheering noise was.......way to go big boy!!

At 6:34 PM, Blogger Closet Metro said...

What color was the towel? What scent was the Glade Air Freshener? Details, we need details. I need to know what the death of Waspzilla smelled like.


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