
About D@#$ Time

I finally got around to adding links to friends sites or blogs. Please enjoy yourselves and add to the online community. Join the Wave......Join the Wave (those of you Old enough to remember ABC After School Specials know what I speak of.)

Check out ma homeslice,  ma homeskin, ma grizzled nizzle of funk, Vic at BestAlbino.

My Playstation2 is out of commission. It is probably Karma. I received a gift certificate for some work I did. Someone asked if I was going to buy candy for the lab and I said "Heck no, I'm buying a videogame (Driver3)" and I may have ended the statement with  something  like Mr.T would say like "fool!" I was very excited to get my new game home and the stupid controller port doesn't recognize my controller anymore. I am screwed, it could be worse I suppose, I could own a Gamecube. Next time I get a gift certificate, it's treats for the lab!! I don't want anything else to break.

Needed: Free Playstation2
I promise it will have a nice home and be cared for and nurtured. I will even name it after you.

I wonder what the law is on asking people to give you free stuff via the internet? Say things like "Send me your pennies so I can buy a new house and I will send you this recipe for Oatmeal cookies" or "My options tanked, please send me money to buy a new car"
Does anyone know the law? Something to investigate.

Nine days until Oshkosh!!

Seven until I start bossing kids around again!  WOOOO HOOOOOO!!!



At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karma would have it you get a gamecube.

-Colonel Nikolai

At 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the ideal of asking for things by internet.... let me know if it works out... I got a big want list!! lol enjoy your site, its very entertaining

At 1:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi! Leave off the gamecube! That little box of tricks is providing valuable insulation in my loft where it resides until I get an NTSC-compatible TV.

Private E1 Squire


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