
I am taking a beating…..

Please don’t abandon me, I have not led you astray. The posts will return soon. That last post by Puff Daddy about bringing his son to the State Fair was the final straw, I am throwing a post in here from and undisclosed location. If you look at the time posted it will become clear as to where I am. J

I think we need more movies during the day like when we were in school. I really looked forward to science classes. I remember a series of movies that had a scientist (older guy, glasses) and a guy who asked him questions and they blended it with cartoons. It was made in the 50’s. I remember two of them , one was about blood, I think it was called The Great Hemos or something like that and the other was about the solar system. They were pretty funny and I can still hear the hum of the Bell & Howe projector.

Thanks to all the faithfuls that have harassed me to post or said they enjoy my ramblings. I didn’t realize that I was letting so many down by having a lax posting attitude. How can 50 million people be wrong? Well, rest assured faithful friends. I have not forgotten how to do this. I will return, triumphant with postings and you will rejoice the size of my ego.

Doing this in-between other activities is fun. Weeeee!

Teaser time…the next postings will talk about my trips, a lantern festival and remembrance, a question, and an observation or two.


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