
Exit: light, Enter Night, Take my hand, Off to never neverland - Enter Sandman - Metallica

Yeah, Ricky rocks out every once in a while
This post is about rocks of another kind. Well, not really rocks, it's more about how our new building hates me. There have been several times when I have gone to use the facilities and the stalls have been tore up. I mean really tore up. State fair, day five tore up.
I think our plumbing is from the stone ages. I can't even say stone ages because at least back then could push junk into a big hole. So sometimes it's bad. That magically, was not the case today.
Today the bathroom was immaculate. I walked in and picked my stall. I sat down, using the paper shield of course, never ever go bareback on a public seat unless you are having a bean burrito emergency. I get settled and the lights go of with a click. Some of the lights in our building are motion sensitive. I had been in the stall just long enough to sit down basically and then click. I told you it doesn't like me. I don't know how it didn't pick me up, a man of my size walking into the bathroom, but there I was sitting in the dark. Don't worry ( I know you were concerned) I was able to finish the business at hand and complete the rest of my day unscathed.
For those of you thinking bathroom stuff is a risky topic, I am sorry. I blog about life man, raw and unfiltered (kind of). As I like to say at lunch time, I blog about the circle of life.


At 8:05 AM, Blogger geekymama said...

Amen Rick. I've posted about the "haunted" stall doors that swing open by themselves after I've latched them. This building is after us!
Also, what's up with the bathrooms (the regular ones w/ lots of stalls - not the one private "executive" one) not having any hot water? What, we're all supposed to only wash our hands in cold water? I miss the old building where I could actually adjust the temperature of the water when I washed my hands.
'Course, I'm whiney like that.


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