

Hi. Today was a good day. No Black issues. Just being me and hanging with some friends. Is that so much to ask? Well, I could ask for a queen to my throne, but I will settle for a good day with lots of laughter, unless you know a really good queen. I chuckled in a manly way after I wrote that.

Geek Injection
Fantastic Four comes out in the next couple weeks I hope it's good. If you want to read about superhero related news check out Superhero Hype


Crap crap crap..I should have gone to bed.

I should have gone to bed, but instead as I like to do, I checked the news one more time. I found this article on CNN about a new stamp that the Mexican Government has issued. Why didn't I go to bed!?!
I get tired some days, tired of the focus on my skin, my heritage. Tired of trying to fight the crap that makes the modern age seem like a backwards civilization. Tired of people locking car doors, clutching purses and watching me as I walk through the store. Tired of worrying about these things. Tired that I have to think about this stuff and and even talk about it.
I am proud to be who I am. I am a person first and then I am Black, African American, Chocolate Rick (Thanks Moriah), Ultimate Mocha (Thanks Mollicita).
I did learn something that I didn't really know and I will look into. That there is a small black community on the Southwest coast of Mexico and that Africans outnumbered the Spanish in Mexico during the early colonial era. Going to bed now, I'll let RUN take us out of this entry.

We're gonna tell ya somethin that'll put your mind in a swirl
God bless the next baby that comes in this world
The world's full of hate discrimination and sin
People judgin other people by the color of skin
I'll attack this matter, in my own way
Man, I ain't no slave, I ain't reelin no hay
Written a deposition, in any condition
Don't get in my way cause I'm full of ambition
I'm proud to be black (and I ain't takin no crap)
I'm fresh out the pack (and I'm proud to be black)
RUN-DMC "Proud to be Black"
Raising Hell 1986

Tempest Fugit

It's time. You know, I know, we all know. It's time to start doing what we said we would do. It's time to start that thing we talked about the other day. The thing you discussed with your boss, your sig other, your friend or yourself.
It's time to explore the possiblities. This is not an ad for Valtrex or some other drug. I am being semi serious here. It's time. We are far too smart to keep putting these things off. So do it, start doing it, find out about it. What is it going to take to do it? Oh, and sometime during the process of doing it, eat some cake. You will thank yourself for it.


A Sienfeld Episode

I am embarking on a six day respite from work. I am not leaving town, I am just going to hang out. I have some small easy win projects I want to get started. I need to buy and build a grill for pop's birthday and get rid of the old one, the one that burned the hell out of my marinated chicken breasts. The grill that recently defiled my potatoes. The grill that almost removed my eyelashes and brows making me look like that kid from Powder, only the negative version of him.
I am going to dance over the grave of that grill. The grill has character, ignore it and it will burn you. Pay attention and it will tease you by under cooking your cherished meat. I can no longer master it. I have cooked many a good meal and been praised on high by the masses who have supped from my golden tongs, but now is the time to slay the fire-breather. It burned my hotdogs.
Some how this post has taken on a life of it's own, hence the title that I just attached to this entry. Most times my title comes first because I am thinking about something. Tonight I started blogging to see where I would go and here we are. You and me. All alone. Let me dim the lights a little. Are you comfortable? Can I get you anything?

Sometimes when I blog I think about that kid in class that would make the fart noise or burp really loud to get attention. I want to write inflammatory things. Some days when I am crabby I want to yell and shout about nothing. Then the rational side of me takes over and this is what you get. Mainly coherent and not very provocative, which to me is ok. The Internet is forever and I remember that every time I write here. I try to write about the things that make me happy or make me think and in turn I want to make you laugh, smile or think without being preachy, pompous or the "expert". I like being who I am. I find myself switching between a story telling style and a conversational style. I hope that makes it interesting.

Last thought about nothing
When was the last time you skipped like when you were a kid? The skipping issue came up on a recent date and with my great niece when I was watching her the other day. After a few feet of trying I remembered how to do it and remembered how much fun it was before turning into an adult crushed my skipping dreams. :) Please try it and do it at a moment when you would normally feel embarrassed. Like in the Skyway downtown or perhaps when you are walking around the lakes.


Though you try to break my spirit I remain strong and resolute

Ding dong the tooth is dead, the wicked tooth is dead. I had the root canal today. It was pretty uneventful. I came in, they doped me up, put a dental dam in my mouth and went to town. They ran a "Number 6" *** on the wicked abscess tooth and saved the day. Long live dentistry and the good people who practice it. Three cheers for those warriors in blue smocks
Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!!
Ok, done with that. Oh, by the way. Don't make fun of your friends when they come back from a full session of novocain, it's not sporting

***Rent the movie Blazing Saddles, it's one of my faves and contains many good lines.

MPR and Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it

Thank goodness for MPR. I don't always listen but when I do I always find it entertaining and a lot of the time informative. Tonight as I drove for Ice Cream( I am entitled, it was a rough day..see the above paragraph). Tonight they were talking about the Korean War and during the section I happened to hear they were discussing the desegregation of the American troops and how the military begrudgingly did it.
A major thought during the two previous wars (WWI, WWII) held the viewpoint that "The negro soldier is a cowardly sort and should not be allowed in major combat. There are a few exceptions, but overall they are not fit to battle on the front lines" When I hear things like that I tend to laugh and think of all the "inferior" Negroes who raised some of these folks children, cooked for their families, created and invented life/time saving devices and served them in many ways. I also look back and think how could people be so naive as to think they were so much better than another person. I digress a bit and my job here is not to get all soap boxy and whatnot. This pain medication is good. I am wandering aimlessly around this topic. I think I will write more on this later. I guess I am using this space as a "journal" sometimes and incomplete thoughts are ok from time to time. It's my blog and I'll do what I want to.
The point of this little diatribe is something I always try to impart to friends and family and that is to open your eyes/ears to new things, don't forget where we came from, and think about how you interact with others. Before you pass judgment think about why you feel the way you do.

Something totally irrelevant and cool to me...gotta get back to geeking this blog out...

Toybiz, maker of Marvel action figures..not dolls, has created the ultimate drool causing figure as far as I am concerned. They have seven different figures that each contain a piece to build Galactus Devourer of Worlds. Galactus had a herald he would send out to find worlds that would satisfy his hunger and that herald use to be none other than the Silver Surfer. The Surfer came upon Earth one day and Galactus wanted to eat it. The Surfer fell in love with an Earth woman and teamed up with the Fantastic Four to save the earth. The only way the FF was able to stop Galactus was to threaten him with the Ultimate Nullifier, a weapon of unimaginable power.
Have I lost you non geeks yet?
He is really cool looking and I want one. Each figure in the series contains an arm, leg, head or torso piece. Neat way to get folks to buy all the figures and a good way to get us geeks to try and find all the pieces. Maybe I will post some pictures of Galactus trying to eat my head or other pics of Galactus items from my collection.


Making Lemonade with the lemons I have been given

I have an abscess. It is not fun. Less fun than an abscess is the root canal that will follow on Monday. Life after the root canal or what I like to refer to as the Oral Torture Session should be better. Let’s hope.

Strawberry lemonade

I was driving home after my emergency dental visit this morning and entered an intersection on a yellow, another car followed me when the light turned red and the newly installed red light runner camera snapped it’s photos. I will wait to see if a ticket comes.

The other car who ran the light behind me was a car for a Security Guard company. I thought that was pretty sweet.


Holy Glad it didn’t suck Batman!!!

I saw Batman Begins and it was very very good. They were careful to pay attention to what makes Batman, well, Batman. The story, action and acting were good. They also gave some nods to the past without getting campy.

One of the best parts of the movie was the fact there were no nipples on the costume. I don’t know why they thought his suit needed nipples back in Batman Forever but, Batman would have kicked Joel Shumacher’s butt for putting non-functional nipples on the suit. They should have at least fired darts or sleeping gas. Honestly.

They used a lot of the elements I like about Batman. I thought the fight scenes were done well. A friend complained that the cuts were too close. Meaning you didn’t get to see the action as well. I thought it was fought in true Batman style. Quick, decisive, stealthily and butt stompin’. Just like Batman from the books. The fight scenes didn’t have the feel that they were poorly choreographed like some other movies that use quick cuts to hide crappy fight work.

There was no neon freeze rays, no stupid neon suited thug morons, just some straight up butt whooping and crime fightin’.

The story followed the batman year one feel and I was very pleased. Gordon looked like Gordon and they didn’t change too much of what happens in the Batman mythos for the movie’s sake. I totally endorse this movie and it gets the UnderroosnAfros seal of approval.

I need to find a cool logo seal for my newly created seal of approval. I’ll see what I can do.

I scream, You scream, We all scream for Ice Cream!!

Next to cake being my favorite dessert, free Ice Cream ranks pretty high.

Last night was free scoop night at 31 Flavors. It was way cool. Super hot night, a good friend and a good flavor. I hadn’t had a sugar cone in a long time and it was awesome. It was fresh and tasted like it was from my childhood. I remember when 31 Flavors was one of the top Ice Cream shops. We used to think it was special to go there as kids. They used to have a cone that was upside down in a cup and it had candy on it so it would look like the face of a clown. They also added frosting to give it a collar and to design the cone to look like a hat. I got that every time we went.


"You Killed My Teachaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!"

Wouldn't it be cool if karate fights just broke out on the street for no reason. You are walking along carrying some groceries or a bag of popcorn and you see him/her. They walk towards you and just before they pass.... Hiiiiiiyaaaaaa! The person leaps at you yelling their focus word. You have to yell something to focus your "Chi" or your "power" for the lay person. You yell "KAZE NO YO NI HIYAKU!!!"*
The battle rages for a good five minutes, neither side bowing to the other's skills. You jump on cars, leap through the air and run up the side of buildings. Your popcorn is scattered all over...then you deliver the blow that stops them in their tracks. They look up at you from the ground. You reach out to help them up. You bow to each other, no honor lost. Not this day. They hand you 2 bucks for your lost popcorn and you continue on your way, satisfied in know that you once again defeated another street master.
You're welcome for the smile I just brought you. Please pass the smile on to someone else.

* I didn't make up this phrase...it's from my childhood