Ding dong the tooth is dead, the wicked tooth is dead. I had the root canal today. It was pretty uneventful. I came in, they doped me up, put a dental dam in my mouth and went to town. They ran a "
Number 6" *** on the wicked abscess tooth and saved the day. Long live dentistry and the good people who practice it. Three cheers for those warriors in blue smocks
Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!! Hip Hip Hooray!!
Ok, done with that. Oh, by the way. Don't make fun of your friends when they come back from a full session of novocain, it's not sporting
***Rent the movie Blazing Saddles, it's one of my faves and contains many good lines.
MPR and Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it
Thank goodness for MPR. I don't always listen but when I do I always find it entertaining and a lot of the time informative. Tonight as I drove for Ice Cream( I am entitled, it was a rough day..see the above paragraph). Tonight they were talking about the Korean War and during the section I happened to hear they were discussing the desegregation of the American troops and how the military begrudgingly did it.
A major thought during the two previous wars (WWI, WWII) held the viewpoint that "The negro soldier is a cowardly sort and should not be allowed in major combat. There are a few exceptions, but overall they are not fit to battle on the front lines" When I hear things like that I tend to laugh and think of all the "inferior" Negroes who raised some of these folks children, cooked for their families, created and invented life/time saving devices and served them in many ways. I also look back and think how could people be so naive as to think they were so much better than another person. I digress a bit and my job here is not to get all soap boxy and whatnot. This pain medication is good. I am wandering aimlessly around this topic. I think I will write more on this later. I guess I am using this space as a "journal" sometimes and incomplete thoughts are ok from time to time. It's my blog and I'll do what I want to.
The point of this little diatribe is something I always try to impart to friends and family and that is to open your eyes/ears to new things, don't forget where we came from, and think about how you interact with others. Before you pass judgment think about why you feel the way you do.
Something totally irrelevant and cool to me...gotta get back to geeking this blog out...
Toybiz, maker of Marvel action figures..not dolls, has created the ultimate drool causing figure as far as I am concerned. They have seven different figures that each contain a piece to build
Galactus Devourer of Worlds. Galactus had a herald he would send out to find worlds that would satisfy his hunger and that herald use to be none other than the
Silver Surfer. The Surfer came upon Earth one day and Galactus wanted to eat it. The Surfer fell in love with an Earth woman and teamed up with the Fantastic Four to save the earth. The only way the FF was able to stop Galactus was to threaten him with the
Ultimate Nullifier, a weapon of unimaginable power.
Have I lost you non geeks yet?
He is really cool looking and I want one. Each figure in the series contains an arm, leg, head or torso piece. Neat way to get folks to buy all the figures and a good way to get us geeks to try and find all the pieces. Maybe I will post some pictures of Galactus trying to eat my head or other pics of Galactus items from my collection.