
A Sienfeld Episode

I am embarking on a six day respite from work. I am not leaving town, I am just going to hang out. I have some small easy win projects I want to get started. I need to buy and build a grill for pop's birthday and get rid of the old one, the one that burned the hell out of my marinated chicken breasts. The grill that recently defiled my potatoes. The grill that almost removed my eyelashes and brows making me look like that kid from Powder, only the negative version of him.
I am going to dance over the grave of that grill. The grill has character, ignore it and it will burn you. Pay attention and it will tease you by under cooking your cherished meat. I can no longer master it. I have cooked many a good meal and been praised on high by the masses who have supped from my golden tongs, but now is the time to slay the fire-breather. It burned my hotdogs.
Some how this post has taken on a life of it's own, hence the title that I just attached to this entry. Most times my title comes first because I am thinking about something. Tonight I started blogging to see where I would go and here we are. You and me. All alone. Let me dim the lights a little. Are you comfortable? Can I get you anything?

Sometimes when I blog I think about that kid in class that would make the fart noise or burp really loud to get attention. I want to write inflammatory things. Some days when I am crabby I want to yell and shout about nothing. Then the rational side of me takes over and this is what you get. Mainly coherent and not very provocative, which to me is ok. The Internet is forever and I remember that every time I write here. I try to write about the things that make me happy or make me think and in turn I want to make you laugh, smile or think without being preachy, pompous or the "expert". I like being who I am. I find myself switching between a story telling style and a conversational style. I hope that makes it interesting.

Last thought about nothing
When was the last time you skipped like when you were a kid? The skipping issue came up on a recent date and with my great niece when I was watching her the other day. After a few feet of trying I remembered how to do it and remembered how much fun it was before turning into an adult crushed my skipping dreams. :) Please try it and do it at a moment when you would normally feel embarrassed. Like in the Skyway downtown or perhaps when you are walking around the lakes.


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