
Short, Sweet and a little Salty

It was brought to my attention that when I do blog, I blog big time. Like a Tsunami of thought, the words spill from my mind onto the screen and fill up the page. I can't help it, sometimes they just flow, so you end up with one of my huge blogs. I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind that I wrote down in words, how wonderful life is, that you're in the world. Sorry, musical tangent. That sneaky Elton john dropping lyrics in my head.
I pride myself on being mostly optimistic even in the face of impending doom.
"Hello Doom, pleased to meet ya!"
I just feel that things will work out if you have faith in yourself and the strength to go on. I don't waver much from that belief and most people who know me would agree. I also think that because I am that way, it shocks folks when I hit the "yuck" spot. I don't like the yuck spot. I would much rather be in the good spot, but I guess I need the yuck spot to realize when the good spot is good.
I am babbling tonight. I think it is sometimes hard for me to decide what I want the world to know about me. The Internet is forever and I want to be careful about what I put down here for public consumption.
By now I have told everyone I know about being in NYC and how much of a good time I had. The only thing I missed was Marvel Comics, but I can't say I missed it when I had the Uber cool private tour of DC Comics!! I know people who know people. :) I always wanted to be able to say that.
Ok, I will end the "short" blog with a list. You can hum this list to the tune of "Need You Tonight" by INXS. This would be the part where Michael Hutchence

Michael Hutchence is saying the words to the drum beat.

Memorial day
Eat and Play
The Punkin says "Uncle Ricky lets sway!"
Car delay
New Friend away
I love South Park when they say "Tim-May!!"

Shoes off
Feet in the grass
My mother giggles
grilling with gas
The Sith rocked
Vader burned his a.....
Batman Begins on that I can't pass

That may be it for the rhyming styles of Mikey H.
June will be a busy month. I have some weddings to go to, a couple of tux fittings (always a groomsman never a groom) I think I have been in about 10 weddings. Best man twice, a groomsman 18 times and an usher about 27 times.
The Batman Begins movie. Some major bike riding and a couple of big brother days and as well as some Uncle Ricky days and hangin' with the folks. Oh, and I am going to try my hand at landscaping..I will do it in babysteps.
Plus, I need to do something I have been kind of dreading. I know I need to get started, it's just that I don't want too. I don't feel like doing it. If I don't, then I will have dropped the proverbial ball. It causes me a a little distress and I worry about the comments and at the same time I could tell people to kiss it. I guess sometimes I worry too much.


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