
"You Killed My Teachaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!"

Wouldn't it be cool if karate fights just broke out on the street for no reason. You are walking along carrying some groceries or a bag of popcorn and you see him/her. They walk towards you and just before they pass.... Hiiiiiiyaaaaaa! The person leaps at you yelling their focus word. You have to yell something to focus your "Chi" or your "power" for the lay person. You yell "KAZE NO YO NI HIYAKU!!!"*
The battle rages for a good five minutes, neither side bowing to the other's skills. You jump on cars, leap through the air and run up the side of buildings. Your popcorn is scattered all over...then you deliver the blow that stops them in their tracks. They look up at you from the ground. You reach out to help them up. You bow to each other, no honor lost. Not this day. They hand you 2 bucks for your lost popcorn and you continue on your way, satisfied in know that you once again defeated another street master.
You're welcome for the smile I just brought you. Please pass the smile on to someone else.

* I didn't make up this phrase...it's from my childhood


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