
How I Spent my (almost) Summer Vacation

I just started building the Ark. I am grabbing friends and geeks in 2's to repopulate the planet when the flood comes. I also started my Deet injections because this summer is going to be a mutha with all the mosquitoes.
Overall it was a good memorial weekend. I went to an airshow in Redwing Minnesota where I made a connection. Some of the Tuskegee Airmen were there and one them graduated from my high school. We spoke for a moments and he figured out that he knew my parents. Small world.
Memorial Day has always been kind of just a weekend off for me. I knew it was a time for reflection, but this time it was different being able to reach out and shake hands with history. This weekend I was able to say thanks to someone who came before me and sacrificed and endured a great deal to fight for something they believed in and for a country that was not always happy to have them. The only bad part about the weekend was that one of the planes crashed. It was the Tuskegee Airmen Plane. Which cost about a million dollars to renovate. Last word I heard this weekend, was that the pilot was in critical condition. He brought the plane down in a residential area and managed to miss some houses and everyone on the ground. I plan on following up on the story to make sure he came out ok. I am hoping for the best


It Ain't Easy Being Green: Shreck 2

Tonight a friend and I saw Shreck 2. It was really funny. I was glad that the sequel lived up to it's hype. I hope people enjoy it and get the message about letting people love who they want to love as long as they are happy. I am not giving anything away by saying Princess Fiona's father is none to pleased with her marrying an Ogre even if he does make her happy. It's funny in this cartoon piece, but in real life it's just sad and archaic. You would think in this day and age people would be more concerned with how people in the relationship treat each other than by what they look like, what they do or what they believe in.
Maybe I am living in a fantasy world. It could just be that when it comes to family, the world gets pyscho. People get disowned or cut off from the family for dating the wrong person, not following in the family business, missing a holiday gathering, not returning Tupperware and so on. The world is a strange place.

Whew...too heavy for this time of night
I watched a DVD the other day with the collected works of director Spike Jones(He was in the movie The Three Kings). He directed music videos for Notorius B.I.G., Fatboy Slim(the flying Christopher Walken video), The Pharcyde, Bjork and many others. The DVD contains 16 videos, rare footage, commentaries and documentaries. A company called the Directors(not a possessive error) Label put it out and I would recommend it to anyone with eclectic tastes. http://www.directorslabel.com/

On a sad note....
My work spouse( Marleta) and I have decided to separate, it has been coming for a while. We tried to avoid it, but long distance work spousing just wouldn't, well just wouldn't work. I have already raided her cube, but she has informed me she is taking her SWAG mouse to L.A. with her. I wish Marleta and Dain nothing but the best out West(yeah I know it rhymes, shut up!). Besides, now I will have not one but 2 places to sleep on the couch when I visit California (Vic is out there too. http://www.bestalbino.com ). If you need the definition of what a work spouse is let me know and I can explain. It does NOT involve conjugal visits.


Towing the company line.

Does anybody ever believe the company line? Do people buy into the "customer" vs. the "guest"? Do the manager's at companies buy into the line? What would it take for you to buy into the line, money? power?
Personally I haven't ever considered myself "company" although I have found things I agree with in different companies. I have always been resistant to the "Yay Rah Rah!"
If you want to motivate me, do it with your leadership as opposed to the carrot and stick mentality. I want to be part of what makes things work, but I don't want to feel like I am being manipulated overtly or by subversive means.
Is the line easier to swallow, when you are getting a raise from said company, you have faith in the management directing the company or things at the company are going well?
I told you I would be rambling, but I am interested in finding out what you have to say about this.

Now on to something I find Un-a-Peeling(bad puns can be fun)
I found out today that bananas have about 10 years left on the planet unless something is discovered to eradicate the many diseases attacking them. So here is my plan in numbered form.
1. All of us pool our money and for the next 9 years we buy all the bananas we can.
2. We freeze dry them, can them, dehydrate them and store them in a huge facility.
3. Rule the world with our riches after selling all the bananas we hoarded.
4. Read this article about why the banana as we know it may become extinct.

For those of you new to blogs, it's kind of like a journal except it's online and many people can view it. I personally won't be divulging any sensitive information about any one or anything they've told me. So fear not...our conversations are safe. I promise. My own thoughts are a different story, they may appear here as ramblings or questions to the gallery.


Yeah!!! Posted by Hello

What does it all mean?

I am new to this....I am sure many first time blog entries start this way, but it's true. I hope to find a voice while doing this and finish the novel I started when I was ten. I have seen a lot in my years on the planet. Blah blah blah.

Ok, Underroos and Afros...
I grew up in the 70's when everything was "Solid!" and "Funky". I pimped my afro, rocked my canvas Chucky T's(Converse tennis shoes)and spent a great deal of time with Bomb Pop juice running down my arm. I grew up when bucking somebody was not licking shots at them, but giving them a ride on your bike, which had a banana seat or was a Huffy BMX.
We played 60(a tag game) in neighbor's yards and you knew them and they KNEW your parents. Strange adults yelled at you and you stopped what you were doing because you knew it was wrong and you didn't talk back!(they might know your mom and dad).
Don't worry, I won't be stuck in the 70's, just giving the first post on my blog some meat. I plan to rant about this or that current event, travesties of justice(How could they try to cast Nick Cage as Superman!?!)and my touchy feely side.
as MC Hammer once said "Let's Get it Started!!!", "Can't Touch This" came later, much later.