
How I Spent my (almost) Summer Vacation

I just started building the Ark. I am grabbing friends and geeks in 2's to repopulate the planet when the flood comes. I also started my Deet injections because this summer is going to be a mutha with all the mosquitoes.
Overall it was a good memorial weekend. I went to an airshow in Redwing Minnesota where I made a connection. Some of the Tuskegee Airmen were there and one them graduated from my high school. We spoke for a moments and he figured out that he knew my parents. Small world.
Memorial Day has always been kind of just a weekend off for me. I knew it was a time for reflection, but this time it was different being able to reach out and shake hands with history. This weekend I was able to say thanks to someone who came before me and sacrificed and endured a great deal to fight for something they believed in and for a country that was not always happy to have them. The only bad part about the weekend was that one of the planes crashed. It was the Tuskegee Airmen Plane. Which cost about a million dollars to renovate. Last word I heard this weekend, was that the pilot was in critical condition. He brought the plane down in a residential area and managed to miss some houses and everyone on the ground. I plan on following up on the story to make sure he came out ok. I am hoping for the best


At 7:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pilot didn't make it. http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/news/8806157.htm?1c




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