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Check out the movie
The Blind Swordsman: ZatoichiIf you like Samurai's, swords and cool stories of revenge, check this one out. If you don't, you ain't no geek. The swordplay is very good, there are funny parts and some cool revenge. The main character is played by one of my favorite Japanese actor's "Beat" Takeshi Kitano. He's got some other stuff that is pretty good to watch as well.
When you get a chance, check out Sonatine. You may also see him on the Spike TV show, Most
Extreme Elimination Challenge(MXC), as one of the hosts. Originally, it was a Japanese game show from the 80' early 90's, but now some folks have revoiced the show and it's really funny. I blogged about it last year.
"Here I Come to Save the Day!!!" Mighty MouseIn my quest to create the perfect cool superhero to write a book about and launch my career in the comic industry, I have created many characters. Some very good, others really really bad.
One of the bad ones is called Centipede Man(The Human Centipede)
His Powers:
The ability to run as fast as a Centipede does proportionately (60 to 70 mph)
Climb walls
Crawl into to tight spaces
And the coolest power of all: The ability to drop his legs and grow new ones. This power would be used if he were captured or crawled into to space that was just too tight. He could also use the legs offensively, by dropping one and throwing it.
Scene 7 The Bank Lobby
Officer Jensen: "Thanks again for foiling the crime CM." The officer shifts nervously back and forth eyes darting around the room.
CM: "You are welcome Officer Jensen! All in a days work!" He says in a bellowing hero voice. He also notices the officer looking around and avoiding eye contact.
CM: "What seems to be the matter officer?"
OJ: "Well, it's the leg thing. It really grosses everyone out, we never know what to do with them after you're gone. They just keep twitching and wiggling. Last week one of them kicked the Chief"
CM: "I uh, I never thought of that. What do you do with my um..(he whispers) legs?"
The scene pulls back and the room is littered with Centipede Mans legs.
See, not such a good hero. That one's almost as bad as The Amazing Sea Cucumber, one touch of her slimy skin and you become delirious. In real life this happened to a friend cleaning his salt water fish tank. He touched his Sea Cucumber and the slime was on his fingers and he somehow ingested the slime, by it getting on the beer he was drinking. He went a bit delirious and then took an unscheduled nap.
"This town needs an enema!" The Joker, Batman 1989
I think I am going to look for a new template to brighten this place up and start adding some pics. Don't hold your breath. Life's been pretty busy and getting busier. If any of my Web geek friends out there have any suggestions I am open to anything.