Everybody walk your body, Everybody walk! - The Time
Mom and I went for a walk Wednesday night around the neighborhood. I forgot how many cool older homes that are right next to where I live. People are taking care of the homes which is cool and we have a good neighborhood association. I would like to see more of the absentee landlords leave but, until I can win the lottery I have to put up with them.
It's nice to be reminded that the "Deadly Northside" is still a place of beauty and a place where people care regardless of how the media portrays the "hood".
Yes, there are people that make it bad and Yes, you can go two blocks one way and find crappy houses and two blocks the other and find beautiful landscaping, gardens and boulevard plantings. It's the city, it's real and it's my home.
It's too bad you don't hear about the neighbors coming together to clean things up every year, it sucks you don't see me or the other neighbors cleaning up the streets as we clean our yards or walk our dogs. It's too bad you don't see people coming together regardless of race to make sure the park renovation is what we want. It's too bad you don't see the families having a picnic in our newly finished park almost every night this summer and picking up after themselves and making sure it's just as clean as it was when they found it.
I will admit there are spots I don't go into because I know it to be "rough", but these places are pockets and do not represent the whole. I'm ranting. Sorry. Back to the walk.
Ok, I found the lost train.......
When we first moved to the neighborhood everything was green. We had a huge green canopy from the Elm trees that made everything look warm and forest like. Then the Dutch Elm disease set in and the City cut down most of the big trees and planted new ones. It's taken 20 something years but the canopy is finally returning. It looks really nice. Mom enjoyed the walk. It was a good day. I have fun making her laugh and just being silly.
Be Good - Rufus D. Pearson Jr.
Be good to your momma
Love her
Be good to your momma
Hug her
Be good to your momma
Remember, no matter how big you get
She can still stand on a chair and knock you out
Be good to your momma
An excerpt from the collected musings of Rufus D. Pearson Jr's "Woman! Where is My Hat!?!"
The blogger has messed with me again. Back when I went to NYC it ate my posting and this week it gave me an error message saying that it couldn't post the entry that I tried to post. So Wednesday I fixed what it said and posted the blog again. So I had two somewhat identical posts. I changed a few words from Monday to Wednesday to protect the innocent.