
Happy Chrismachanukwanzaka!!!

Hey All Happy Holidays!!!
Here's what I received today from Santa,
Rock em sock em robots, Micronauts and G.I.Joe with the Kung Fu grip...... wait a minute that was '78
An Easy-Bake oven, a Barbie make-up head and a five speed bike with a Banana seat ......sorry that was Xmas '72
I received some cool DVD's and some gift certs, some books and Seal's Greatest hits a very good haul.
It's not about what I got from folks though as much as it is about the thought. I am thankful for my family and my friends(most of whom I consider family anyway, because most of my extended family is crazy). Thanks for the cards and stuff. I luv ya all! Yes, I am manly enough to say I love you all. How 'bout them Bears!!

Eng Vedda, Bing Sveda, Bing Bort Bort Bort!!! - The Swedish Chef

As some of you may know I was going prepare Lobster and Crab legs for dinner Xmas eve. Well, things turned out to be really good. I broiled the Lobster and brushed it with a garlic butter lemon baste. The crab legs I boiled in giant pots, thanks to a couple friends. I used some seafood seasoning and garlic salt. Everything got raves from the fam and we gourged ourselves. I can be a decent cook sometimes. Yes, I was blowing my own horn.

And now another selection by Rufus D. Pearson Jr. from the book titled: A Smile Cracked my Lips

I lean against her, she smiles down at me
I wait for the years to fall away,
wishing for time when we both were younger
a tear lands on her shoulder
she slowly fades away
I miss her


This just in.......

Hey Y'all. That's right I am back. I would like to promote the newest Blog I know and send you to his site. Pssst, he's funny too.

Doctor, Doctor, Can't you see I'm burning, burning! - The Thompsen Twins

It is my goal for 2005 to try and get all my male friends to the doctor. Why should I have all the joy of being poked and prodded when I can trick my friends into sharing the wealth. The best secret about going to the doctor is, THEY GIVE YOU CANDY AND ICE CREAM!!! ALL YOU CAN EAT!!!! I could also put it to you this way. Going to the doctor is like the old G.I Joe cartoon statement "Going to the Doctor is good and Knowing is half the battle, G.I Joe!!!"
I could also say it it like a Fox news headline "Find out why men are dying of stuff!"
See how empty that headline was? What are these guys dying of ? What is causing them to die?
Get your butt to the doctor if you haven't gone lately. Our stats as men going to the doctor are bad bad bad. I know, I know, there are a million excuses, "My doctor's hands are too big", "My butt sticks to the table when I wear the paper gown" and my favorite "Hey wait a minute, they're not handing out all you can eat candy and ice cream!"
Just so you know, I am not going to nag, nor am I going to ridicule you. I am just going to let you all know, that I want you to be my friends till the end of our natural lives. If any of you guys check out before your time I will be really pissed, but can I have your stuff?
I may ask you from time to time, if you've gone yet. What's your cholesterol, etc....
It's really none of my business, but like I said, if you leave before me, well, you know the rest.

What's black with pointy ears and kicks butt?
That's right you guessed it. BATMAN!!! The new trailer is in movie theaters and I am pumped to see the movie. I already asked my boss if I could have June 17th off.
I really do like being a geek.


Slow News Day and the Return of the Funkasaurus

So I am still a little slow to post lately. I just haven't felt the juice or the ambition and have not been getting home early enough. Excuses excuses.

I went to the Vikes game on Sunday. I was a little upset at the game. Not with the fact that the Vikings lost, but the disturbing way the speakers in the Dome were swaying because of the wind outside. I have never seen Volkswagen size speakers move that much over the heads of so many people. I had to stop looking at them, watching them move that much was making me sick. My imagination as you know gets really wild sometimes as you may have figured out by reading my posts.
So I started figuring out all the ways the wires and chains could snap and which way the speakers would go if they came down. I decided I should stop that as well, it was making me sick.
Thank you Summa Tech( the Science Math Technology program in my high school) all that geometry and astrophysics and gravity crap paid off.

Sunday was a slow news day. You know how you can tell when a slow news day is happening? When the biggest story in the news is the high wind in Mpls. I was over a friends house watching the news and we both laughed at how cheesy the tag lines were for each reporter's live report.
"Blow me down and shiver me timbers" "Minnesota Blows" "Who needs a hairdryer, just step outside" As you can see those were pretty cheesy lines. No, they weren't said on TV, but were used to demonstrate the point.
Then we realized how nice it was to have a slow news day. There wasn't any mention of people being killed, no fires to report , just some power outages (I know 10,000 people without power is bad). I think a slow news day is just fine, even if I have to put up with cheesy reporters.

It was just my imagination...running away with me - The Temptations

The Exorcist, Damien Omen 2, Prince of Darkness. These movies all had one thing in common. Crows and crow elements. As I was driving Stinky(The Benz) home, down 7th street I was stopped at a light. I looked up and I was next to a Church that is near HCMC (remember the emergency room post?) Anyway, there were about a million and 2 Crows sitting on top of the church and in a barren tree across from the church. It was very creepy. I honked the horn and they didn't budge, not a one. They looked at me defiantly. I was glad when the light changed.

Last thought....
I was listening to KMOJ's old school Sunday night show. Now I know how my parents feel when they hear old songs and it takes them back. I am not saying that I am getting old, just saying I know how they feel. :)
They played some cuts that made me want to go back in time. Stuff I forgot I knew the words too. It made me feel really good inside, all warm and fuzzy, ahem! but in a manly way. (How 'bout them Bears!!)
I remembered my first High School dance. The slow cuts, who I danced with ( awwwww yeaaaaaahhh!! ) and the watching a big football player do the Popeye. A dance that we all did back then. I am sitting here trying to do it now and it's not working. Maybe a little Wiki Wiki by Nucleus would help. If you would like to hear some "Jam On It" let me know. I got the hook up.