
This just in.......

Hey Y'all. That's right I am back. I would like to promote the newest Blog I know and send you to his site. Pssst, he's funny too.

Doctor, Doctor, Can't you see I'm burning, burning! - The Thompsen Twins

It is my goal for 2005 to try and get all my male friends to the doctor. Why should I have all the joy of being poked and prodded when I can trick my friends into sharing the wealth. The best secret about going to the doctor is, THEY GIVE YOU CANDY AND ICE CREAM!!! ALL YOU CAN EAT!!!! I could also put it to you this way. Going to the doctor is like the old G.I Joe cartoon statement "Going to the Doctor is good and Knowing is half the battle, G.I Joe!!!"
I could also say it it like a Fox news headline "Find out why men are dying of stuff!"
See how empty that headline was? What are these guys dying of ? What is causing them to die?
Get your butt to the doctor if you haven't gone lately. Our stats as men going to the doctor are bad bad bad. I know, I know, there are a million excuses, "My doctor's hands are too big", "My butt sticks to the table when I wear the paper gown" and my favorite "Hey wait a minute, they're not handing out all you can eat candy and ice cream!"
Just so you know, I am not going to nag, nor am I going to ridicule you. I am just going to let you all know, that I want you to be my friends till the end of our natural lives. If any of you guys check out before your time I will be really pissed, but can I have your stuff?
I may ask you from time to time, if you've gone yet. What's your cholesterol, etc....
It's really none of my business, but like I said, if you leave before me, well, you know the rest.

What's black with pointy ears and kicks butt?
That's right you guessed it. BATMAN!!! The new trailer is in movie theaters and I am pumped to see the movie. I already asked my boss if I could have June 17th off.
I really do like being a geek.


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