Hodgepodge or Meatloaf thoughts - ground up and mashed together goodness
70's Love Poem - By Rufus D. Pearson Jr. from the book: A Smile Cracked my Lips
OOOOOOOh Girl, Your afro is round like the Sun,
OOOOOOOh Girl, Your Koohlats are the color of Gold,
OOOOOOOh Girl, Your platform tennis shoes will allow you to reach for the stars,
OOOOOOOh Girl, Your tubetop is like a rainbow colored cornucopia ready to burst forth with fruit,
OOOOOOOh Girl, Do not run. Do not run.
I expect Rufus to pop up from time to time to share his book of love with us.
Turkeys getting Turkey
I was unfortunately at the Edina Cub Foods today getting some last minute things and killing some time while I was waiting for a friend to meet me. First of all stay away from the grocery store before holidays. Most people were nice. I said "most". The rest of the people were giving thanks for people to get the "heck out of their frickin' way!". I thought I was going to be giving thanks for being bigger than the guy in the parking lot doing 90 mph who almost hit Stinky (The Benz I currently drive). I yelled Happy Thanksgiving and waved, but when it came out of my mouth it sounded more like "You gas happy Navigator drivin' mutha scratcher!" The wave was on what networks call a 7 second delay (see Janet Jackson Superbowl appearance)
This was the same guy who was in the store and was obviously much more important than everyone else. He was crying about having to wait while the people ahead of him were being helped. There were about a half a million people in the store and the workers were going at a good pace, not being slow at all.
The holidays should not be stressful. People, please remember your family/friends will still love you even if you forget to get cranberries, so slow down, be kind to those around you and give real thanks.
Sean Connery: I'll take The Rapist for $500, Alex
Alex Trebec: That's therapist Sean, therapist
Sean Connery is probably my most favorite Bond. Those lines above are from an old Saturday Night Live skit. The Spike network is playing bond movies all weekend. I never get sick of seeing these movies.
Goldfinger is one of the cooler Bond movies, it has Oddjob the hat throwing bodyguard, Pussy Galore (dig that kooky name) and a a bad guy with jones for gold. Auric Goldfinger.
Favorite Line from Goldfinger is when bond has been capture by Auric and is strapped to a table with a "laser" cutting the table between his legs.
Bond: Do you expect me to talk?
Goldfinger: No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die.
How cool is that. none of that telling the whole world take over plan, Goldfinger was like "You can straight up and die Bond, up yours "
Favorite scene. Bond is chased by bad guys and one gets into his car. They drive for a ways and then Bond hits the ejector seat button and the guy flies out with a scream. It looks pretty funny and the scream they gave the guy was even better.
I also learned a new word just a little while ago. The word is Strawbabies. A Strawbaby is a fruit. People sometimes can them, they make Strawbaby flavored soda and my person favorite is the chocolate dipped Strawbaby. My great niece really likes Strawberries and that's what she calls them. "Uncle Ricky, can I have Strawbabies please?", don't forget to use the batted eyelashes when you ask me...it works every time. :)